Nothing/Everything and Int’l Pop Overthrow

Nothing/Everything and Int’l Pop Overthrow

This coming week is going to be nutso. I’ve got shows in three of the four corners (and the middle) of the US over the course of five days. But I’m really excited about the International Pop Overthrow show on Sunday August 4th at Skinny’s Lounge in North Hollywood. Paula Kelley and I will be dusting off a handful of tracks from her debut solo album, Nothing/Everything, and giving them the semi-plugged treatment with the hefty accompaniment of ace cellist Matt Cooker. Skinny’s is a cool joint and it’s a Sunday afternoon in the Valley. What more could you want!? Oh, “the album,” you say? No problem! It’s just been re-released is a shiny deluxe digital version over on Bandcamp. Grab it then come and sing along. Or better yet, bring a tambourine.